Saturday, January 4, 2020

January 2020 MLC

We start with a wonderful breakfast!

Elder Mabiala plays the piano very well!

Elder Francis conducts the meeting (Assistant)

Elder Mabiala leads the music

Stating our Missionary Purpose

Elder Chen and Elder Francis (assistants) teach from the handbook

Learning in groups

Elder Francis, Elder Simpson and Elder Clapier teaching powerfully!

Elder Noney, Elder Chandler and Elder DeSpain leading a discussion

Elder Nobunga, Elder McCoy and Elder Anderson leading a discussion

Elder Vickers, Elder Bezerra and Elder Brunt leading a discussion

Elder Chen, Elder Jones, Elder Reay and Elder Mabiala leading a discussion

Elder Chen is a wonderful teacher!

Elder DeSpain and Elder Chandler did a fantastic job of teaching. 

MLC January 1 2020. 
What a blessing it is to serve with these outstanding missionary leaders!!!

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