Tuesday, January 14, 2020


Breakfast: Thank You Sister Damon, Elder and Sister Lund!!
You are the best!!!

Elder Vickers and Elder Simpson (Zone Leaders)

Sister Damon teaching missionary standards for disciples of Jesus Christ. 

Elder Vickers - Zone Business

President Lines teaches about commitment and follow up. 

Sister Lines teaches about linking teaching and covenants. 

Elder Johnson and Elder Dikane

Lunch was fantastic! Thank you Sister Lund, Elder Lund And Sister Damon.
Our senior missionaries are amazing!!!

Always helping. We have the best missionaries!!

Elder Francis (assistant to the president )
Honesty and Accountability. 

Elder Chen (assistant to the president)
Honesty and Accountability

Sister Gray departing testimony. We just love her! She is 77 years old
and came out on a mission to South Africa!! We are so thankful she did. Age is never an excuse 
not to come. We will miss her so much. 

Durban Zone. 


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