Sunday, July 18, 2021


 This past week we had so many blessings. On Monday July 12 KwaZulu-Natal saw many riots, fires and looting break out. Free State and Lesotho did not have any challenges. Monday is the day we all go shopping and we had to tell everyone the entire mission to stay inside to be safe. We were blessed to have all our missionaries safe with enough food to last them until we could bring them more food. They all were able to tech lessons and bring comfort to the people of South Africa. 

Our assistants in line to buy food and giving out pass along cards.

It was a beautiful morning as we stood in line to buy food for the people that live in the senior missionaries boarding complex that were not able to go shopping.

Elder Van Orden and Elder Bascom at a service project

Elder Russell, Elder Odundo, Elder Van Orden, and Elder Bascom

It was a pleasure to help distribute food to those in need 

This sign was made because so many people came together to protect each other. There are so many good and wonderful people here. 

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