Sunday, June 13, 2021


Khotso lodge is in such a beautiful area. President Lines tries his coordination with Elder Pettijohn's skill game.

First we had a beautiful hike. Along the way we read about the creation of this beautiful world.  

We all worked together making a delicious dinner. Elder Chifarimba was the chief cook!

I wished I had pictures of them teaching but we had load shedding. That is when the power goes off for two hours at a time so we taught by firelight and lanterns. The spirit was very strong. It was a true fireside!!!

After our meeting we had hot chocolate and s'mores

The next morning we got up and had another hike before breakfast as the sun was coming up. It was so beautiful!

The camp dog was the best, all he wanted to do was play catch.  President Lines really
wanted to take him home!


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