Thursday, April 22, 2021


Elder Mokhoanatsi (Zone Leader)

Elder Manamela (Zone Leader)

Elder Mere and Elder Davies-Ogunshakin

Elder Griffin and Elder Stastny

Elder Ntlhare and Elder Matlapeng. They do an excellent job with the music!!

Elder Mokhoanatsi

Elder Alviana

Elder Chola

Elder Wilson, Elder Matlapeng and Elder Managa

Elder Matlapeng, Elder Mahe and Elder Managa

Elder Matlapeng 

The zone activity was excellent!

Sister Van Heerden. I love how the light in this picture makes her look like an Angel...because she truly IS an Angel!!!!

Sister and Elder Zulu. They are a wonderful couple as senior service missionaries. We love them!!!

We have the best missionaries!!!!


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