Saturday, September 5, 2020


Elder Mthombeni arrives!!! We are so excited to be receiving missionaries again! It has been almost 6 months since we picked up missionaries at the Durban airport!

Its a historic day! WE HAVE YOUNG SINGLE SISTERS IN OUR MISSION!!!! It has been almost 20 years since they left. We will have them until the borders open and they can go to their permanent assigned missions. We really love having them here!!!! Sister Sithole, Sister Mabaso and Sister Nkabinde.

Sister Buthelezi's family dropped her off at the mission office. She will be completing her MTC training in the mission field. Now we have 4 Sisters in our mission!!!!

Elder Mthombeni with his new companion Elder Manamela

We always need large quantities of food when we are with the missionaries!!!

At the Durban Temple.
The Sister missionaries will be living at the Durban Temple in the patron housing.


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