Thursday, September 12, 2019


Meals provided by: Elder and Sister Van Heerden
We sure love you!!!

Elder Bennett

Elder Gomez

President Zulu: District President in Newcastle

Elder Noney

Elder Freitas and Elder Turner 

Elder Flake and Elder Harolds

We had a young man come to our Zone Conference as he prepares for his mission.
As you can see we got him involved in our role play!

Departing Testimony: Elder Bennett, Sister Van Heerden and Elder Van Heerden 

Elder Freitas 

We are so grateful for our wonderful missionaries!!!


  1. I thank you very much President And Sister Lines for having me on the zone conference as it has taught me a lot about missionary work hoping one day I'll be on mission

  2. I thank you very much President And Sister Lines for having me on the zone conference as it has taught me a lot about missionary work hoping one day I'll be on mission
