Monday, July 22, 2019

Trip to Richards Bay & Port Dunford

President Gezane, President/Sister Lines and Elder Brown

Sister Lines with a few Sisters at the Port Dunford Chapel. We love them!

We are grateful for the sign directing us to the Port Dunford Chapel

The Port Dunford Chapel. The Saints that live here are incredible!

Durban and Hillcrest Zone Conference

President Lines shares the Zone Conference Theme

Our Senior Missionaries are the best! We are so blessed to serve with them!

This is why you never loan your phone to the missionaries!!!!

Studying Preach My Gospel

Large quantities of food are necessary at all Zone Conferences!

Our First MLC!

Sister Lines made a special birthday cake for Elder Wilson and Elder Lubelwana!

A Fun Activity!

Planning for Zone Goals

We love our Missionaries!!!

Counseling Sessions

Lunch provided by our amazing Senior Missionaries!

Our July 2019 MLC

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Testimony Meeting and Receiving Assignments and Companions!

Leaving for areas early in the morning!

Picking Up Elders at the Airport

We sing a few hymns then they begin sharing the gospel at the airport!

13 New Elders! What a Blessing to our Mission!!!

Elder Krupp
Elder Gore

Elder Fife

Elder Bigalow

Elder Andrew

Elder Peterson

Elder Watkins

Elder Harolds

Elder Chifarimba

Elder Tiyiwe

Elder Bingham

Elder Gooch

Elder Watts

New Missionaries and Assistants (Elder Batista and Elder Lubelwanna) at the Durban Temple Site!